You see? This counts straight through, not like the other one we had!” Achilleas was referring to his diabetes measurements.  Because a latest technology mobile phone, for children with diabetes, is not just a modern accessory. It is a real tool that helps them take their measurements and monitor their blood sugar.

So when Achilleas shared his wish with us, to have a new smartphone, the fairies and elves knew exactly why. And we started planning his wish journey. Achilleas loves graffiti, so we arranged a lesson for him. On that day, his mother had a surprise for us too: she greeted the fairies with a big banner that read “Welcome Make-A-Wish Greece” in Greek!

Together with his dear friends, his adorable family and the fairies, they all set off for the workshop where they learned about the history and philosophy of graffiti. They all prepared their own designs and perfected their signatures, just like any proper “graffiti artist”. In fact, Achilleas had prepared himself and showed him what he had already done.

When they finished, the fairies gave all the children some gifts as a reward. Achilleas seemed a little disappointed because he was hoping they would give him his mobile phone.

The fairies pretended not to notice it and proceeded as planned. Another surprise was waiting for him: a meal at “Byzantino” restaurant, in the court of AEK FC! An avid fan, he had asked if he could go there for lunch and the fairy did her magic. They were all very excited about the experience and had a great time. Did he also forget his mobile phone? Of course not! His eyes lit up when it appeared in front of him. He picked it up and exclaimed “Hey, that is what I call a mobile phone!”

The festive mood continued at home when they returned and, as his mother confided, Achilleas told her that everything was much better than he had imagined. She even told us that his older brother, who was taking an essay writing exam and the topic was volunteering, mentioned the work of Make-A-Wish Greece, emphasizing how much Achilleas’ wish journey had helped the whole family.

Thanks to Kosntantine Antonopoulos, the SRS Group of Companies and the Ardonagh Group we granted Achilleas’ wish!

We’d like to thank the volunteers participated in the wish: Pangiota Filippidi, Maria Kotsia


We’s like to thank our supporters in-kind: ARTIX PRODUCTIONS