Make-A-Wish is the largest charity in the world that grants wishes, recognized by the United Nations as one of the best-known and most reliable charities in the world. It is an Organization with a single goal but divided into two entities for administrative purposes: (a) Make-A-Wish America, which coordinates the granting of wishes in all 50 states of America, with 62 offices in the US; (b) Make-A-Wish International, which coordinates the offices of the Organization in 5 continents, 50+ countries and 180 offices outside of the US. Make-A-Wish grants 25,000 wishes of children every year, and the affiliates of Make-A-Wish International grant 21,000 wishes of children every year.

Since 1980 more than 480,000 children with the help of more than 45,000 volunteers have felt the beneficial and transformative power of a wish!

Make-A-Wish International can be proud of having been awarded the Seal of Excellence, a prestigious award given to non-profit organizations that meet the high standards set out by the US Government. This distinction is enjoyed by only 2,000 Organizations—out of more than 1,000,000 in operation today—which manage their finances diligently and show integrity and effectiveness in achieving their goals.

For the same reason, it received an award by Charity Navigator, the largest independent charity auditor, which has awarded only 1% of such Organizations.

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Social Impact Report 2020-2021

Who can receive a wish?
Children who are at least 3 years of age, but have not yet reached their 18th birthday, may be referred to Make-A-Wish Greece. A child’s treating physician will determine if the child is medically eligible for a wish, based on the medical criteria established by Make-A-Wish.
Make-A-Wish International follows specific policies and guidelines for granting a child’s wish. Make-A-Wish takes into consideration all factors as they relate to the wish and the wish child, and then plans the wish accordingly.

What can a child wish for?
The wishing child may ask whatever he deeply desires, whatever it will inspire him to smile and will give him the strength to continue fighting for his life.
Since the only restriction is the child’s imagination, Make-A-Wish Greece covers a wide range of wishes, and is governed by a multilevel organization to achieve its purpose, to transform the life of a child

What we can’t do
Make-A-Wish Greece follows specific policies and guidelines in order to guarantee our integrity and reliability. That’s why we have set some specific restrictions:

  • We make no distinction on the sex, nationality, religion, social or economic status of children who desire to make a Wish
  • We never give money and we do not bear the cost of medical treatments
  • We do not take over Home Wishes related to renting, buying, or renovating
  • We do not grant wishes for cars, motorcycles or anything else that can be dangerous for children
  • We do not fulfill more than one Wish in the same child and we cannot fulfill a Wish of a child if it has already been fulfilled by another country Make-A-Wish
  • We cannot organize trips abroad because of the economic crisis that our country is experiencing. But with the thought of continuing to fulfill our Wishes to all the children who ask for it, we organize trips within Greece

Make-A-Wish Greece strongly believes that every child is unique and his wish is treated equally uniquely and magically. We give our best in order to accomplish an unprecedented and unforgettable experience for the child, as unforgettable and priceless is the smile and the glow we admire in his eyes each and every time we fulfill a Wish.

Principles to determine critical illness conditions

May qualify for wish granting:

  1. Children whose current medical condition requires high-risk therapy to survive.
  2. Children who are dependent on technology to survive.
  3. Children with chronic conditions who demonstrate extreme long-term complications.
  4. Children at high risk of death not covered by other criteria on this list.
Medical principles of wish eligibility:
  1. A child or a young adult aged 3 to 18 years old.
  2. Diagnosed with a critical illness condition currently placing the child’s life in a life-threatening stage or with extreme long-term complications.*
  3. Has not received a wish from another wish-granting organization.

*Critical illnesses include, but are not restricted to: childhood cancers, certain types of muscular dystrophy, certain neurological or genetic diseases, cardiac disorders, renal failure and traumatic injuries. Please speak with us or contact your doctor for more information.

Categories of critical illnesses:
  • Rheumatology conditions
  • Pulmonary conditions
  • Oncology conditions
  • Neurology conditions
  • Nephrology conditions
  • Immunology and Infectious Disease conditions
  • Hematology conditions
  • Genetics conditions
  • Gastroenterology conditions
  • Endocrinolgy conditions
  • Metabolic conditions
  • Cardiology conditions
For further information about critical illness eligible of wish eligibility click here.