Are you up for organizing a Bake-A-Wish and help make children’s wishes come true?

By organizing a Bake-A-Wish, you help us raise the funds we urgently need in order to grant wishes for children between the ages of 3 and 18 with critical illnesses.

Through Bake–A–Wishyou can make a difference in the lives of children who entrust their dreams and wishes to Make-A-Wish Greece and give them hope and strength to fight and cope with their treatment in the best way possible!

Even a few muffins can give endless joy to children and their families during one of the most difficult times of their lives.

The recipe is simple but most importantly… MEANINGFUL!

You choose the right group of people (from school, the office or friends), we send you the ingredients to create delicious muffins and then give them out in exchange for a donation to our Organization.

If you are up for it, please call us at+30 210 963 7660, int 109.

The products are a sponsorship of Easy Bake – St. George’s Mill