#I wish no child has to experience…

…an illness as the starting point of their dreams!

Allow me to introduce myself – I’m Elisavet and I’m 10 years old. It hasn’t been long since I led a life much like any other child my age: attending school, making friends, playing, and reading.

However, everything changed abruptly. I was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s lymphoma. In the hospital, I faced intense loneliness. While other kids headed to school in the mornings and played in the afternoons, my days unfolded within the confines of four walls, with my sole companions being the doctors and nurses.

It was as challenging as it sounds, yet I found the strength to stand firm against cancer. As we speak, I’ve completed my treatments and am gradually returning to my daily life.

However, I won’t return the same in both my appearance and mentality. The memories left by the illness are distressing and not befitting of a child’s experiences. On the flip side, the choice to wear a hat isn’t a fashion statement, although I must admit it looks quite stylish. It serves to conceal the hair loss resulting from treatments. Despite it not being my choice to lose my hair, I often feel self-conscious about it and worry about what other kids might say when they see me.

Let’s shift to a more joyful topic: my wish journey! It bestowed upon me strength and confidence. My wish was for a new smartphone, a dream of mine that would not only bring me joy but also help alleviate the sense of loneliness I experienced in the hospital by keeping me connected with my friends. My fairy orchestrated an incredible day, far removed from my usual routine. She even playfully teased that she had forgotten my new cell phone. However, after a few gifts later, it magically surfaced from under a bag of food. With my newfound device, my next treatment was a less lonely experience, and I felt a sense of connection that brought comfort during that time.

In the above, I’ve outlined the power of a wish. You might be curious about how Make-A-Wish Greece played a role in boosting my confidence. They invited me to be one of the central figures in the new educational WishStar Programme for the school year 2023-2024, focusing on inclusion. Initially hesitant, I pondered whether my photo without hair would hinder acceptance from other kids. However, I had a change of heart. I decided to be the ONE who empowers kids like me, dealing with insecurities due to illness, and serves as a “life lesson” to other kids unfamiliar with such experiences. And I succeeded! My poster now graces almost every school in Greece, filling me with pride and confidence.

#I WISH when you encounter other children who have lost their hair due to treatments, you won’t look away but meet their gaze and encourage them to stay strong.

#I WISH you won’t pity them but instead, admire their strength!

#I WISH for you to consider how you, too, can contribute to bolstering their strength by helping granting their wishes.

#I WISH you would