Yionian wished to have a few toys to play with his brother while they were away from home for his treatments. With all his child innocence and his wonderful soul, he pointed out that he did not need many, since he already had toys at home. He simply wanted a few toys to play with during his time in Athens. He, specifically, wished for Paw Patrol and superhero toys, as well as stuffed animals, which he particularly liked.

A child that actually needed what he had been deprived of: a normal childhood. His wish highlighted this essential need of his. The fairies and elves of Make-A-Wish would not settle for just a few toys though. So, they organised a beautiful day filled with play and fun for Yionian, that ended with a large collection of presents – the toys he had longed for.

One morning, Yionian set out with his parents to visit his cousin and play… or so he thought. Upon their arrival and the start of their playtime, the doorbell rang, leaving everyone wondering who it could be. When the door opened, the house was filled with colors and puppets – a puppet theater! A special, private show was organized just for them, providing Yionian with hours of endless play and laughter. Unique dolls brought many magical stories to life.

At one point, the fairies performed magic tricks and unveiled a stack of wrapped packages. Filled with curiosity, Yionian approached to discover that those were the toys he had eagerly anticipated. With much laughter and joy, he enthusiastically tore open the wrappings, his face painted with happiness, ready for even more moments of carefree laughter.

Throughout the fulfillment of his wish, Yionian managed to experience moments of carefree joy and fun, allowing him to embrace the essence of being a 7-year-old child once again.

Thanks to Konstantinos Antonopoulos, the SRS Group of Companies and the Ardonagh Group we granted Yionian’s wish!

We would like to thank the volunteers participated in the wish: Yiota Palioura, Eva Mitkolli

We would like to thank our sponsors in-kind: PAPASPIROU, MYIKONA, CRAFTBOX

We would like to thank our supporters in-kind: PUPPET THEATRE KOKOU-MOUKLO, ARTIX PRODUCTIONS