We would like to thank you for your interest to support Make-A-Wish Greece by volunteering!

By taking into account the time you can spend volunteering, we arrange a first meeting with Volunteers Department:

  • Full-time volunteers: A meeting in person is held and then, the volunteer of full availiability is asked to gather the necessary documentation.
    Part-time volunteers: The volunteers with partial availiability enter the list with people that can help us occassionaly.

As far as it concerns the Wish Team, an additional check must be made for them to be considered suitable for contact with the wish kids and their families. As a result, an informed opinion on the volunteer’s suitability is formed. Since the mission of the organization concerns a sensitive part of children, their psychology, for potential volunteers the first step is to express their interest by filling in the form available at the link below, depending on the region you are in:


Volunteering in Athens:

If you live in Athens, you can express your interest by filling in the form here

Volunteer in Thessaloniki:

If you live in Thessaloniki, you can express your interest by filling in the form here

Volunteering in Regional Areas:

There are organized teams of volunteers in Larissa, Volos, Ioannina, Kavala, Crete (Heraklion & Chiania), Patras

If you live in Regional Areas, you can express your interest by filling in the form here


For further information, please contact the Volunteer Department via e-mail at [email protected] or call us on +30 210 96 37 660 (ext. 104 or 202).

By clicking the link below, you can watch a video about Make-A-Wish’s history and how the organization started: https://tinyurl.com/makeawishgr

The video was created for the 35th anniversary of the organization.