“What a beautiful name!” we all exclaimed when we met Nemea! She is a girl with a remarkable blend of shyness, courage, and determination. During her visit to the wish house, she expressed a unique wish among all the possibilities – a specially designed tablet for digital painting. As we delved into her story, we discovered her deep love for painting and, exploring her heart, we unraveled her dream of visiting art galleries worldwide. Nemea’s connection with painting blossomed during her hospital stay, nurtured by the unwavering support of her adoring family.

With Nemea aspiring to delve into digital painting, the fairies and elves sought to provide her with inspiration while awaiting the granting of her wish. She was even the honored guest at an exhibition featuring lithographs from King Charles of England. To her surprise, one of the exhibits showcased a compilation of Nemea’s own paintings!

When the highly anticipated day arrived, Nemea found herself at the National Gallery, an enchanting experience that climaxed with the presentation of the coveted tablet, accompanied by numerous gifts for her and her siblings. She particularly cherished a calendar featuring a collection of artworks by various painters. The volunteers were equally captivated by her eagerness to learn about the exhibits; Nemea persistently quizzed the tour guide about different artworks. When presented with the drawing pen, her eyes sparkled with excitement, but out of concern for its safety, she chose to open it later, showcasing the true respect of an artist for the tools of her craft.

Nemea holds a special place in our hearts, and her mother’s words resonate deeply: You magically remove stress from our lives and bring back the dream, the feeling that everything is possible. I don’t know if the word amazing is enough to describe this day!”

Thanks to Konstantinos Antonopoulos, the SRS Group of Companies and the Ardonagh Group we granted Nemea’s wish!

We would like to thank the volunteers participated in the wish: Anastasia Dimitrantzou, Lila Chroni


We would like to thank our supporters in-kind: ARTIX PRODUCTIONS