Andreas loves technology and in his spare time he enjoys playing video games. His dream is to become a computer programmer so he can work in the tech world; a world which he loves being a part of. When the day came, it was very easy for him to choose his wish. He wanted something that would help him excel with his dream, but also be his companion during his spare time while he was playing and having fun. His wish was to have a gaming computer, but his beloved fairy had even more surprises planned out for him. She wanted to make his experience even better and truly special so he would always remember it.

His fairy and his mother closely cooperated and organized a special day for him, without him realizing they were up to something!

Andreas was accompanied by his mother and a friend of his and they all went to the neighboring city, Thessaloniki. There they visited an escape room where they found a fairy and an elf who were expecting them and they all played the escape game together and had a blast! After they solved the game’s riddle, they all went out and their next surprise was dining at an amazing Irish restaurant where they enjoyed a delicious and extraordinary meal.

Of course, the biggest surprise was at Andreas’s house. After he had enjoyed a memorable day, he happily opened his bedroom’s door and his surprise and excitement filled his room! When he first saw his much-anticipated computer, his face lit up and he couldn’t find the words to express his joy. He kept repeating “Man, I can’t believe it!” and his eyes were shining! Andreas’s happiness was what we wanted to achieve and from his reaction, we knew we had made it possible!

Thanks to Konstantine Antonopoulos, the SRS Group of Companies and the Ardonagh Group we granted Andreas’s wish!

We would like to thank the volunteers participated in the wish: Olga Karagianni, Andreas Psaltis


We would like to thank our supporters in-kind: Redloop Agency, TAXIWAY