P. had expressed a great love and passion for producing music which is something he enjoyed fully on that special day. He visited a recording studio where the owner and his assistant helped him record his own song. It was a process he particularly enjoyed, spending time in a recording studio just like the artists he loves.

His fairies made him believe the gaming computer would be delivered another day and that was all for the day; which was not true. Only five minutes after taking him home and saying goodbye, the fairies rang the doorbell again, this time carrying a cake and many presents for him.  P. was speechless for a moment and then started setting up his computer excitedly and extremely carefully. He was overjoyed!

Thanks to Konstantinos Antonopoulos, the SRS Group of Companies and the Ardonagh Group we granted P.’s wish!

We would like to thank all the volunteers participated in the wish granting: Yiota Palioura, Eva Mitkolli

We would like to thank all the sponsors in-kind: KONSTANTINIDIS, BASHMENT CAFE-BAR-RADIO-STORE , BLUESOFT, MYIKONA

We would like to thank all the supporters in-kind: ARTIX PRODUCTIONS