Stella is the shining star and central figure in our tale. At just 7 years old, she is a smiling, dynamic girl, showing remarkable courage while confronting the diagnosis of spinal muscular atrophy. With the daily assistance of her parents and therapists, she takes steps towards her dreams. Stella’s ultimate aspiration is to experience the day when she can freely venture wherever she desires, independent of aid. This fervent dream, articulated with unwavering strength, reached the ears of the fairies, prompting them to dance to the rhythm of preparations. «My wish is to have my own electric car so I can be free», said with all her heart! It was not merely the prospect of a little car that brought joy to the fairies but the freedom Stella so earnestly sought.

So, the fairies showed up before Stella, unexpectedly, having organised the sweetest spa experience for her. Recognizing the immense effort she invested each day, they aimed to reward her with something truly beneficial. What better combination than a session of massage and chocolate? Perhaps a tranquil nap, or even a manicure-pedicure for Stella and her friends? Initially unaware of the unfolding events, Stella found this day to be distinctly different from the rest. However, her curiosity piqued when she heard sirens.

Following the sound, Stella emerged from her house, greeted by a surprising sight that left her exclaiming, “I’m going crazy!” With her eyes wide open, she beheld the little car, a wish she had shared with the fairies in the hopes of attaining freedom. This marked the happiest day of her life – a day spent with friends, devoid of strenuous exercises and effort, where thanks to her strength and perseverance, not only did her wish come true but perhaps something even more magical!

Thanks to Konstantine Antonopoulos, SRS Group of Companies and Ardonagh Group we granted Stella’s wish!

We would like to thank the volunteers participated in the wish: : Fotis Melampiotis, Katerina Chnaraki, Fotini Liapi

We would like to thank our sponsors in-kind: MOTOSTUFF, 3D CARBON, KRITIKOS FOURNOS GEFSIS, MYIKONA